Assess Melt Flow Index of Different Plastics

Assess Melt Flow Index of Different Plastics

Evaluation of Melt flow index is a vital test process known in Polymer Industry. It also acts as a categorization process in industries to choose the plastic material with a specified MFI value for a particular application. However, often manufacturers find it difficult to test different forms of plastics using one equipment.

Melt Flow Index Tester is a highly proficient testing equipment specially designed and developed for evaluating the Melt flow index of different plastics in their granular form. It is the most renowned equipment among leading polymer manufacturing brands for testing the molten flow properties of plastic granules. It complies with ASTM D 1238-1992, IS 2267-1972, IS 2530-1963, and IS 10810-1984 international test standards.
Equipped with hi-tech digital controls based upon microprocessor program to deliver the most accurate results in the test. Automated molten sample cutting is installed to reduce human interference in the test and indulgence of unwanted errors. Digital based Display screen with bright LED lights fitted to it. It shows the test data clear and is precise in recording fluctuations. A die steel cylindrical barrel is installed for delivering uniform and constant heat during the test.
To initiate the test for evaluating Melt flow index of different plastics, put plastic granules inside the cylindrical barrel of Melt Flow Index Tester for heating. The barrel is designed to deliver uniform heating of granules. This avoids a situation where some granules are melted and some are not. This can lead to an incorrect results. Range of distinct weights are available with the equipment. These loads are applied on top to apply a particular amount of pressure. The granules when melted, flow out of the equipment and the auto-cutter cuts down a specified amount of polymer flow. The plastic when cooled down is weighed and the MFI index is calculated. Also helpful for calculating MFR and MVR.
 To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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