ASTM B117 Salt Spray Test Machine with Add-On Innovative Features

ASTM B117 Salt Spray Test Machine with Add-On Innovative Features

Corrosion is an age old challenging issue for coating manufacturers. The salt laden environment and increasing damaging exposure are effecting the material surface and eventually it functions.  It is becoming a challenge for coating producers to generate more competent coating system which can last long. It is necessary to note the behaviour of a paint under corrosive conditions, so that one can estimate the resistance strength of their product.

ASTM B117 Salt spray test is a standardized corrosion test performed on coated surfaces or metals to see how they behave in a salt fog environment. The test includes a testing solution having 5% NaCl into Pure form of water. The Salt spray chamber is conditioned prior placing the samples at 35°C. The test specimen can be carefully placed on racks at a diagonal angle or may be dispersed in air by hanging from a thread, depending upon the size. The canopy is closed and the fog distribution is initiated. The test cycle is set for a defined duration and the results are inspected visually. It is seen that how much time the sample survived prior catching corrosion on its surface. For instance a coating cleared the test at 100 hrs and the other cleared it at 20 hrs. It is very much clear that the manufacturer will prefer the coating which survived the salt fog test for more time duration. You can see the working of salt spray chamber hereWatch Video.
The corrosion test chamber designed by Presto group is an advanced testing machine which offers ASTM B117 Salt fog test with add-on features. The chamber has a special designed pneumatically operated canopy. The angles of the canopy is set at a defined angle which take care of the evaporated droplet of salt fog. It enable the droplet to flow through the canopy wall and do not drop directly on the test sample. It is built of fiber reinforced body having three layers ensuring maximum insulation. Having an external on-line fog collection unit which eliminates the need of opening the canopy during the test to check the fog collection level. Castor wheel on base make the Salt spray test machine easy to move. HMI based touchscreen display used for programming the test profiles and monitoring test data. Air purging allow automated salt fog settlement prior opening the chamber after test completion.
The Add-on features include connectivity to other devices using LAN and Internet. In-built VNC Server which allow Remote control and test monitor. Monitoring of registered test data via webpage and no software installation required. Alarm notifications via email to connected devices. Distinct sample timers for placing each sample for distinct test cycle. HMI fonts interchangeable from English to Hindi.
You may visit popular applications of Salt spray chamber - Testing Corrosion Resistance of Surface Coating & Electro-Plating.

To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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