Automotive Quality Check Process - Bursting Strength Test is a Must to Do!

Automotive Quality Check Process - Bursting Strength Test is a Must to Do!

Industry experts have this notion that bursting strength test is ‘not’ related to automotive industry. And, maybe it is not deeply related because most of the components are made up of metal, fibre and other hard materials, for which tensile test is performed. But there are many components that require bursting strength test, like, seating textile. 

Bursting Strength of Seating Fabric

Seating Fabric plays an important role in escalating the aesthetics of the automobile. Be it heavy duty fabric, leather, rexine or any other type, it is very important to perform a test on every material type. The sample is subjected to a hydraulic pressure which leads to the bursting of the sample. A specimen is taken out from the procured raw material. This sample is clamped on the bursting strength testing machine to perform the test. 
Creep test – Another way to assess the properties of the materials is to perform the creep test. In this test, the same sample is used with the same machine. The only difference is that a predefined pressure is applied to the sample for certain period. For this period, the behaviour of the fabric is checked. Say, a sample is put to test for 20 hours. The sample remains unaffected for 8 hours, but after that, the strands start breaking. This means if the load is consistently applied to the sample, it starts to fail at a certain pressure. 
So, when precautions or usage instructions are issued, all these parameters are considered. 

Bursting Strength of Seating Foam 

Bursting strength of seating foam is equivalent important to the strength of the fabric. The testing process is same as that of the fabric. Apart from bursting strength, another important test is performed on the foam and i.e. deflection test. Due to excessive load on the seat, after some time, there is a deflection on the surface. This surface deflection depends on the quality of the foam. The better is the quality, the lesser is the deflection. 

Other important tests for automobile industry

Of course, testing of metal components for corrosion resistance is a very important to test to perform, but apart from that, there is a long series of tests which is sort of mandatory for delivering the best quality.  
Weathering test of rubber and metal components
Tensile test of rubber and metal components 
Cupping test for crack resistance of metal and paints


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