Ensure Seal Integrity of Flexible Packaging with Balloon Burst Tester

Ensure Seal Integrity of Flexible Packaging with Balloon Burst Tester

The packaging for food, medicine, and confectionery, etc. is meant to be safe when they have strong and leak-proof sealing. Also, this sealing must not be too difficult to open so that it feels frustrating to open that package. Therefore, the seal integrity of packaging must ensure the relevant standards for consistency & variability. To meet this challenge, Presto brings the exclusive Balloon Burst Tester that is designed to check the integrity of the seal.

Objective of Testing Seal Strength of Packages

There are two main objectives to test the packaging. Firstly, it is used to ensure seal integrity. Secondly, it ensures that whether the packaging has no weakness. So, that it can get a permit for normal handling, transportation, and storage, etc.

In other words, the seal strength testing helps to evaluate the mechanical strength of the seal to ensure the shelf life performance of the product inside. Moreover, it helps to maintain the integrity of the seal. To test all such features, Balloon Burst Tester by Presto works well and provides the necessary information.

What is Balloon Burst Test?

Balloon Burst Test is a peak inflation pressure test in which a uniform pressure at a definite flow rate captures the seal’s weakest point through separation. This test is the most recommended test to ensure the integrity of the seal for better performance of the product inside it. Presto Stantest comes up with the digital solution of seal testing which is easy to operate and best in resulting data.

Features of Balloon Burst Tester by Presto

The following features highlight the eminence of Presto’s Balloon Burst Tester in the market.

  • It has a Single Push Button Operating system
  • The instrument facilitates the Apex carry facility which keeps the maximum value of test outcome in memory
  • This machine can provide extremely precise test results even under multidirectional force
  • It has strong holding clamps for sample gripping

Choose Presto for Best Business Experience

Presto has prominence in Lab Testing Instruments for more than 30 years. The company deliberately serves more than a hundred industries with its timely tested testing machines not in India only but globally. Moreover, the instruments are available with ISO and ASTM certification that assures the quality throughout the world.

The benefits that you can get by collaborating with the company are as follows.

  • Quick delivery assistance all across the nation.
  • Hi-tech machines at competitive yet reasonable prices.
  • Free training to learn the operating system at your doorstep.
  • 24*7 experts’ assistance to operate and maintain the testing instruments.
  • A customized version that meets your business requirements.

At Presto, we believe in ethical business deals. Therefore, you will get the best in terms of testing instruments and our services. Connect with us for any query. We are available at +91-9210 903 903Or mail us your query at info@prestogroup.com.



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