Presto's Hot Air Oven- Ensuring Best Aging Test for the Materials

Hot Air Oven - Presto Group Img

Hot air oven is a widely used testing instrument that is used for analyzing the aging effect on the products and materials. It is used by different industries and product manufacturers to heat the products for conducting the dry tests in the laboratory. The instrument is also utilized in the chemical synthesis industry for conducting the chemical tests in the laboratories.

The test is conducted in the hot air oven by heating the material that has to be tested by placing it in the oven chamber. The heating of the materials helps the manufacturers in studying the accelerated effects of ageing on the sample in a very short time. For the best evaluation of the sample, the properties of the sample are studied before and after the testing procedure. This gives the difference in the properties due to the ageing process.

Presto offers the best quality of hot air ovens that are extensively used in the industries for performing the ageing test on the samples. The instrument is equipped with the best features that allow the users to conduct the test very easily and efficiently.


Some of the major features of the instrument include stainless steel chamber for heating along with mild steel outer body, specimen placement racks with adjustable height. The instrument also has proportional integral derivative temperature controller cum indicator that helps in easy contorting of the temperature of the test chamber. In addition to that, the hot air oven offered by Presto is in compliance with the ASTM standards that ensures the best accuracy of testing.

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