How do You Prepare a Salt Solution to be used in a Salt Spray Chamber?

How do You Prepare a Salt Solution to be used in a Salt Spray Chamber?
  • Gaurav Malhotra

Creating a salt solution for use in a salt spray chamber is a critical step in conducting corrosion testing. The formulation and preparation of the solution require precision to ensure accurate and reliable results. Whether you are performing quality control tests or researching the corrosion resistance of materials, understanding the proper procedure for preparing a salt solution is essential.

We at Presto will easily guide you well regarding the preparation of salt solution for testing the products more effectively.

In this blog, we will explore the key steps and considerations involved in creating a salt solution tailored to the specifications of a salt spray chamber, enabling you to conduct effective salt spray tests on the materials. But before, we will discuss how a salt spray chamber plays an important role in testing the surface coatings against corrosion.

Effectively test your surface coatings against corrosion with the Presto salt spray chamber

Salt spray testing chamber also known as salt fog chamber is one of the widely used lab testing equipment to test the materials durability against corrosion. These chambers simulate a harsh environment by creating a controlled spray of salty mist.

This will help manufacturers evaluate the durability and resistance of products' surface coatings against corrosion before they are released in the market. This high-quality laboratory testing instrument can easily be used in different industries including automotive, aerospace, etc.

Salt spray chambers work by creating a controlled corrosive environment using a solution made up of sodium chloride (NaCl) and water. The chamber consists of a sealed chamber with racks or holders for holding the test samples and a system for spraying the salt solution onto them. The temperature and humidity in the chamber will also play an efficient role in quality control in the salt spray testing instrument.

Manufacturers can easily test different types of coatings using this high-quality lab testing equipment.

Here, we have listed different types of coatings that can easily be tested using the Presto salt spray test machine.

  • Paint coatings on steel

  • Electroplated coatings on yellow chromate

  • Zinc flake coating on bolts

  • Surface coatings

These are different coatings that can easily be tested using this high-quality lab testing equipment. If you want to know briefly about the coatings that can be tested with a salt spray testing chamber then you can contact us.

Now, let us discuss the importance of preparing the salt solution while conducting salt spray tests on the metals.

Importance of preparing salt spray test solution while conducting salt spray tests

In the realm of salt spray testing, the meticulous preparation of a suitable salt solution is paramount for achieving precise and dependable results. A salt solution, or saline solution, comprising water and sodium chloride (salt), serves as the corrosive medium within the salt spray chamber, creating the requisite environment for conducting corrosion tests.

This section delves into the significance of meticulously preparing a proper salt solution and its profound impact on the reliability and validity of salt spray test outcomes.

1. Precision in Testing Results

Ensuring the accuracy of testing results stands as the foremost rationale behind the proper preparation of a salt solution. The concentration of salt directly influences the intensity and pace of corrosion on test samples. Imbalances in concentration are they excessive or insufficient can yield results that deviate from real-world conditions.

To circumvent any discrepancies in testing outcomes, it is imperative to meticulously measure and prepare the prescribed concentration of salt in the solution.

2. Maintaining Consistency

Consistency emerges as another pivotal element in the preparation of a proper salt solution. Sustaining an unvarying concentration with each testing iteration is essential to procure consistent and dependable results. Any fluctuations in concentration can have a substantial impact on test outcomes.

A properly formulated salt solution establishes uniformity across different test batches, facilitating the comparison of results over time and the identification of alterations or enhancements in a product's corrosion resistance.

These reasons indicate the importance of preparing the salt solution for conducting the salt spray test procedure with the help of the Presto salt spray test machine.

Easy steps for preparing a Salt solution to fill the Reservoir Tank

Accurate preparation of a salt solution is fundamental for various applications, including tasks like filling a reservoir tank. Whether you're engaged in corrosion testing or other industrial processes, adhering to precise steps ensures the reliability of results. In this guide, we will walk through the straightforward process of preparing a salt solution for your reservoir tank, covering key aspects such as salt concentration, impurity levels, pH control, and the filling procedure. These easy-to-follow steps guarantee a well-formulated salt solution, promoting efficiency and accuracy in your operations.

1. Dissolve Sodium Chloride:

Begin by dissolving 5±1% parts by weight of sodium chloride in 95% parts of distilled water or water with a total solids content not exceeding 200ppm.

2. Select Suitable Salt:

Choose sodium chloride substantially free of nickel and copper, with not more than 0.1% sodium iodide and not more than 0.3% total impurities on a dry basis.

3. Maintain pH Range:

Ensure that the pH of the solution falls within the range of 6.5 to 7.2 for optimal performance.

4. Filter the Solution:

Use a sponge filter to strain the prepared salt solution before transferring it to the reservoir, ensuring clarity and purity.

5. Manual Filling:

Open the cover of the Reservoir Tank, positioned just below the Air Pressure Control Panel. Fill the solution manually using a beaker, ensuring a controlled and precise pour.

6. External Tank Filling (Optional):

Alternatively, you can employ an external solution tank with a minimum height of 9 feet (under the customer's scope). Connect the M8 PU Pipe to the Salt Solution Inlet Port and fill the reservoir tank, enhancing flexibility in the filling process.

In this way, you can easily prepare the salt solution and conduct the salt spray test effectively. If you want to know more about our salt spray chamber like salt spray chamber price, features or technical specifications, then you can contact us at  +91 9210903903 or email us at


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