Make your coatings flexible with flexibility test

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When a paint or coating is applied on a substrate, then it has top bend along with the motion of the substrate. This might stretch the coating to an extent that it may develop cracks on the paint surface. This development of cracks on the surface is not good for both the appearance and the safety of the substrate.

Flexibility tests for Paints

In order to ensure that the paint does not cracks when the substrate is bent nominally, the manufacturers need to test the flexibility of the paints and coatings they manufacture. There are different types of substrates on which the paints and coatings are applied for different pursues. One of the most commonly used substrate for application of coatings is the metallic products. The metallic surfaces experience more bending as compared to other substrates hence the paints that are meant to be applied on the metallic surfaces must be checked thoroughly for their flexibility so that they could stay on the substrate for a long time. The instrument that can be used for this type of testing is the conical mandrel bending tester.

Conical Mandrel Bending

The conical mandrel bending tester is a testing instrument which can be used for bending a test sample to the desired level to test the flexibility of the test sample. The instrument works on the principle that when a surface is bent to an extent then the coating applied on that surface is also bent which causes the coating to crack. The instrument is best for determining the amount of bending that the coating may bear without developing the cracks on it.

Presto is a major supplier of Conical Mandrel Bending that is widely used by Paint and coating industries for the purpose of flexibility testing and ensure the best quality of the products.

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