Melt Flow Test - To Understand the Flow Rate of Plastic Granules

Melt Flow Test

The need of plastic products is increasing day by day as they have many qualities. But with the increasing awareness of quality among the customers, people have become more conscious of buying only high-quality products and also get ready to pay any amount for the quality products. With the increasing demand of high-quality of plastic products, it becomes essential for the manufacturers to test the quality of the products before supplying or delivering the same in the market.


The quality of the products can be maintained by the manufacturers by following certain policies and strategies to augment the quality of the products. In plastic industries, the primary industry that greatly affects the market is its quality. Therefore, the plastic manufacturers need to test the quality of the products by determining the properties of the plastics. There are various properly that clearly explains the quality of the products such as melt flow index, tensile strength, viscosity, cracking resistance and many more. Out of the mentioned properties, the best thing which is mandatory to measure to ascertain the quality of plastic is Melt Flow Index. This property of plastics can be measured by performing Melt Flow Index Test.

What is Melt Flow Test and how is it Performed?

Melt Flow Index is the property that explains the viscosity of the polymers when they are kept in molten state at a particular temperature. It is used to amount the flow rate of the plastics in ten minutes and provides the result in grams. To perform the test, the plastic granules are poured into the vessel and provided with the shearing stress using a specific amount of load. It is the best and standardized procedure to measure the molecular structure and properties of the polymers. The weight of the plastic polymers is inversely related with the MFR.

Melt Flow Rate or Melt Volume Rate is the technical term which is used to explain the ratio of two melt flow indices of polymer that are judged at a different level of temperatures. This property helps to understand the chemical and physical property of the polymers along with its molecular structure.

The superlative way to calculate the melt flow rate of polymers is Melt Flow Index Tester. The manufacturers of melt flow index testing machine provide the device with temperature controlling system, load arrangement, sample enclosure, pressure sensor, an output port, etc. It is the highly standardized testing device is used in all plastic manufacturing industries to ascertain the viscosity, rheological behaviour and quality of the granules. For more information, visit: www.

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