How Ash Analysis can be improvised For Rubber & Latex?

How Ash Analysis can be improvised For Rubber & Latex

The determination of ash is an important factor in controlling the quality of rubbers and latices. Also for assuring the consumer that his material meets the requirements of the specification. 

Methods used in ashing natural rubber, natural rubber latex and other similar organic compounds call for distillation of the dry sample. 

It is done by gradually raising the temperature of the specimen from room temperature to a point somewhat below the ignition temperature of the gases formed. The carbonaceous residue is then ashed to constant weight at temperatures varying from 400 to 550° C, depending on the substance tested. 

This distillation procedure is too time-consuming for control testing. 

Introduction of rubber into a muffle furnace at the final ashing temperature yields satisfactory results with many samples. The carbonaceous residue formed on distillation may be removed only at temperatures that cause an appreciable loss of inorganic material. 

Ash determination through Muffle Furnace

Muffle Furnace is an oven type equipment that can reach high temperatures. It usually works on the basis of a high-temperature heating coil which is placed in an insulating material. This insulated material act as a muffle that prevents heat from escaping and also protects the material from the flames that is kept inside. The term muffle furnace also refers to another type of furnaces that are constructed on the same principle but comprises of the long and thin tube that used heaters within the ceramic insulation.

Presto testing instruments, a global leader in the world of testing instruments, offers an assortment of high-quality Muffle furnaces. 

Muffle Furnace is highly sophisticated device that is designed with latest technology features that make the working of the device easy and user-friendly. Some of the features of Muffle Furnaces that the customer must look for while buying high-quality of furnaces are mentioned below:

Sturdy construction for long-term use

Compact in design and space saving

Available with 900°C to 1200°C temperature 

Safe and trouble-free performance

Microprocessor PID controller

Temperature overshooting and short circuit breaker

High-grade ceramic insulation

Provided with Ventilation port

Only branded heating elements are used

Uniform heating inside chamber

CE and ISO marked

Comply with DIN and ASTM standards

For more details, kindly fill up our quick form and get a call back from our experts.


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