Salt Spray Chamber - What, Why and How?

Salt Spray Chamber - What, Why and How?

Buildings and bridges can collapse, oil pipelines can break, chemical plants can leak, auto parts get jammed and bathrooms get flooded – all due to one common enemy - Corrosion. Thus, metal components, automobile parts, pipes, fittings& coated panels should betested for corrosion resistance.

This can be easily done using a comprehensive salt spray chamber test that adheres to any international standard requirements. Using the latest advancements in technology and equipment can ensure that your products are thoroughly tested to provide performance indicators on how they would react when exposed to harsh environmental conditions.

Salt Spray Chamber
The Salt Spray Chamber is a highly effective and efficient equipment used to evaluate the resistance to corrosion of coatings, paints and small metal objects, including mechanical parts. This state of the art equipment exposes the sample to a very intensive salt based atmosphere for a specified period of time while considerably accelerating the corrosion process.

As per industry standards, a product should be tested under accelerated conditionsfor 240 to 1000 hours, however, the time period can be customized according to specific requirements. Conducting salt spray tests using a Corrosion tester ensures that products not only match up, but also sometimes surpass stringent international standards.
Manufacturer of corrosion protection coatings can apply different kinds of coatings and weather resistant products from their extensive range. Using the corrosion tester enables them to determine the most effective solution. For automobiles, a frequently used common corrosion test is to assess the exposure of road salt to automotive parts, especially around the under body section of a vehicle.

What Can Be Tested Using Salt Spray Chamber?
The Salt Spray Chamber can be used to perform corrosion testing on a wide variety of products, ranging from coated & uncoated panels, screws, nuts & bolts, finished parts, consumer products to kitchen appliances & tools, automobile components, mechanical parts, springs and bearings.

Widely used in the industrial, marine, automotive, air craft, and military sectors, this simple test can easily evaluate corrosion resistance of parts or finished surfaces. For OEM manufacturers or suppliers, it is mandatory that all components are thoroughly tested and documented for their resistance to corrosion.

Why Conduct Corrosion Testing?

1. Durability and Protection –
By performing a standardized accelerated corrosion test of the product, manufacturers are able to estimate the service life of the component/product. They can ensure that their product provides adequate protection throughout the duration of its life span. During the test cyclethey are able to monitor the corrosion levels at specified time intervals by also opening the cabinet and taking photographic evidence of any surface oxidization.

2. Performance Indication Results-
Salt spray test results are a reliable source for predicting the suitability of a protective coating in relation to providing effective corrosion resistance. The machine creates the precise environmental test conditions demanded by the industry, today. Throughout the test cycle the laboratory technicians examine the metal plate surface for evidence of corrosion characteristics.

3. Analysis of Blistering and Creep Defects –
When checking the surfaces the technicians are specially trained to search and assess edge protection, blistering and creep defects. Numerous small metal panels or objects can be accommodated in the chamber, thus allowing multiple products to be compared scientifically in the same controlled test environment. Creep is the scientific term that describes the process when corrosion is evident underneath the coating. This forms a membrane exposing the untreated surface to air and moisture. Blistering usually starts to become evident in the center of the metal test panels.

How Can Salt Spray Test be Standardized
Refined salt for salt spray testing is used with a purity that meets the latest requirements and the Salt Spray Chambershould comply with ASTM B117 and JIS Z 2371 standards.

It needs to be fitted with a sophisticated atomizer, so that the equipment ensures an even distribution of salt spray and precise collection rates throughout the chamber.

To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call/WhatsApp at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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