Test the Deformability of Protective Coatings Using Cupping Test

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Cupping Testers are used on a large scale in metal industries and paint and coating industries to test the deformability and elongation strength of the metals, lacquers, and protective coatings that are applied to the metal substrates. This type of test is essential because it allows the users to test the durability of the protective coating and paints before applying it to the final product such as on automotive parts or any other metal product. Cupping tester is operated by using a push or a punch on the unpainted side of the coated metal panel until the painted side of metal started showing any types of cracks or deformation. At the point of time, when the crack is started appearing, the reading can be recorded to explain the durability of the material which is known as coating flexing rate.

The test on the painted or coated metal substrate can also be performed according to the predetermined depth as per the specification of the sample or according to the requirement of the test. For example, if a coating required a certain amount of flexibility rate to its long survival or adhesion on the metal substrate, then the testing machine is set to require an amount of depth according to that flexing rate without the motive of deforming the sample coating until its fail. If the paint material does not deform within that range, it means that it is perfect for the required application.

There are numerous cupping testers that range from manually operated devices to fully automated ones and from single layered coating substrate testers to multiple layered substrates testers. Presto Stantest offers high-quality of Cupping Tester which is widely used in paint and metal industries to test the resistance of the paints to deformation. For more information, contact our experts

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