Presto manufactures the best quality equipment to perform the Combined Corrosion Testing for consistent and significant corrosion test. .


Presto manufactures the best quality equipment to perform the Combined Corrosion Testing for consistent and significant corrosion test. A corrosion defense to the original metal is tested on metallic materials finished with a surface coating. This is the quick testing procedure to prevent the corrosive attack and protect the coating surface. The testing procedures help to evaluate the corrosion appearance after a period of time. The duration of the test depends on the corrosion resistance of the coating means the high corrosion resistance material will take longer testing procedures.

The equipment is reliable to ensure the accurate result of corrosion test and is an excellent example of creative work that helps to assess the rust-proof ability of a component under weathering conditions. The combined corrosion testing is used for performing the corrosion test and stress test. These tests are based on the several international test standards requiring water controls and dry air.

Presto designs the double walled chamber fitted with a glass wool insulation for performing test procedures that ensure the accurate results. The methods for corrosion testing are reliable to fulfill the international testing standard. The built-in technology in the chamber includes an air flow meter that regulates air flow between 0 to 30 psi. A reliable and consistent operation is ensured as an air jacket heating system is available. The testing procedures are best for performing the quality control laboratory tests. Chamber is constructed using Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) for reliable and durable components.




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