Best Bursting Strength Tester Price in India

Best Bursting Strength Tester - Price in India

Poor packaging leads to losses because there is probability of product damage. If the primary and secondary packaging is not strong enough it is not able to withstand the conditions faced during supply chain. If the product reaches the destination in poor condition, manufacturers have to give refunds or sell the product at lower price. To avoid losses, they should check the bursting strength of the package, using the best BURSTING STRENGTH TESTER.

Investing in a reliable bursting strength testing machine is very important.

Problems due to Poor Packaging

1.    Customers are not attracted - Almost 59% of consumers have stated that bad packaging does not attract them to buy the product.

2.    Product Damage during Transit - It increases the risk of loss of sales. Brand image is destroyed due to bad packaging along with the financial loss incurred by the manufacturer, due to packaging damage. 

3.    Customer expectations - Luxury products have higher quality expectations due to its premium price. Insubstantial or bad packaging does not attract consumers to make a repeat purchase or recommend the brand to other users. 

In order to avoid all these problems it is very necessary that the package is sturdy, attractive and protective. The best equipment available in the market to test the burst strength of packaging materials, at a reasonable price, is the Presto Bursting Strength Tester. 

Benefits of Presto Bursting Strength Testing 

In a competitive market, manufacturers must try to fulfil consumer expectations related to packaging design, branding and quality. To ensure the quality of packaging is good, manufacturers should evaluate the burst strength of the package.

The bursting strength is a measure of the maximum pressure applied on the package or paper at a right angles to the surface. A bulging circular elastic diaphragm is used to apply the pressure. The applied pressure is gradually increased until the paper or package bursts. The value is observed and noted carefully.

Thus, Burst strength can be defined as the pressure at which a film and sheet of plastic or paper will burst. Used as a measure of resistance to breaking, bursting strength depends on the scalability of the material and the tensile strength. It is expressed in pound per square inch (psi). 

Bursting strength of packaging material is utilised in evaluation of quality the shipment of merchandise, which is printed on the package. The equipment is provided with serrated clamps. These clamps can be manual or pneumatic. The clamping ensures better grip of the sample under test, for accurate testing.

Furthermore, the equipment also comes with an extra bottle of glycerine for refill of the hydraulic clamping system. Accurate testing data and ergonomic use make it one of the most important and extensively used testing instruments in different industries- such as textiles, paper and packaging.

In all these industries, the packaging of the products is one of the most important aspects that must be taken care of. If the packaging is not strong enough to stay intact during its storage and transit then it can easily collapse. In such an eventuality, the contents of the package get damaged.

The quality of any packaging material needs to be evaluated, because packages undergo rigorous conditions during transit and storage. Thus, it has to be tested and verified to ensure that the strength of the packaging material is good enough to sustain the pressures and handling stress.

To evaluate this a Bursting Strength Tester is the ideal and most reliable piece of equipment. It complies with is International Standard ISO 2759:2014, which is applicable to boards with bursting strengths between 350 kPa (or 250 kPa for the components of combined materials) and 5 500 kPa.

All components of solid and corrugated fibre board, irrespective of bursting strength, should be tested by this International Standard.

For materials with bursting strengths less than 1 400 kPa, an alternative method, based on similar principles, is specified in ISO 2758.

Models of Presto Bursting Strength Testing Machine 

Presto bursting Strength Testing Machine is available in 5 models, namely: 

1.    Bursting Strength Tester Analogue Model – with dial reading facility. 

2.    Bursting Strength Tester Digital Model 

3.    Bursting Strength Tester Pneumatic Model 

4.    Bursting Strength Tester Computerised Cum Digital Model - with Manual Clamping 

5.    Bursting Strength Tester Computerised Cum Digital Model - with Pneumatic Clamping 

It measures the bursting strength by giving or applying hydraulic pressure through rubber diaphragm on a circular area of the sample of the corrugated board or plastic package, under tests conditions. 

The pressure needed to burst the board or package or plastic sample is measured through a digital indicator. Bursting strength value can be used to grade the quality of packaging material. It ranges from 0 to 40 kg/cm2. It comes with dual system i.e. Digital display when the computer is not available and inbuilt hardware and software CD. 

Operating Principle of Bursting Strength Tester: 

Bursting Strength Tests are conducted by applying hydraulic pressure, using glycerine hydraulic liquid. Specified pressure is applied to the sample by a rubber diaphragm. The maximum pressure reached when the sample ruptures is displayed on the PC monitor. This is noted to calculate the bursting strength of the sample under test. 

Using Presto Bursting Strength Tester, you can even tabulate your data in Excel. Further, your company logo and address can be placed in the test report. Ten sample reports can be seen on one report.

When the measure of the force exerted on the specimen is given, it gives the exact measure of the force that the material can bear and hence it could be decided whether the material is ideal for use in a certain kind of environment or not.

Presto Bursting Strength Tester enables manufacturers to easily evaluate the durability and efficiency of the packaging materials that they are using for their products. If the sample fails the test, the manufacturer can make the required changes in them according to the requirements, so that the package withstands the pressure. 

For further enquires, or visit our website or ask our expert team for a consultation at +91 9210903903.

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