Analyze Moisture Content of Silica Gel Desiccant Paper

Analyze Moisture Content of Silica Gel Desiccant Paper

Silica gel desiccant packets are composed of highly adsorbent papers. They are usually used for de-humidifying a particular area. They are most commonly kept in shoes, and item which can be demolished with the presence of moisture for longer time period. The paper material used to manufacture the silica gel packets must deliver high adsorption quality. To verify the same it is important to test the moisture content of the paper post its adsorption of moisture to see how much at how much time it can adsorb.

To fulfil this quality control task, the user may need a precise and standardized Moisture analyzer. It is a reliable apparatus valuable for checking the dampness substance of paper, creased sheets, material materials or any substance rapidly and viably. Dampness content is dictated by the standard of thermogravimetric. The analyzer joins cutting edge halogen warming with exactness gauging innovation to rapidly, viably and precisely measure dampness substance of the example under examination. It is perfect for the pharmaceutical, compound and research ventures for steady exactness amid testing.
It is perfect for Lab, Production and QC. The round Halogen Lamp with sloped voltage increment empowers quick uniform warming of test to 200°C. The Round light guarantees better exactness by warming the example equitably and controlled voltage increment to light extraordinarily upgrades globule life. Completely programmable Digital Model with Ergonomic working controls. Thermogravimetric based innovation for checking dampness content. Information yield on LCD computerized show. Worked in library of 50 test readings can be gathered.

Show with all test information amid dry process. Worked in RS 232 correspondence interface. Quicker rate of warming with halogen dryer. Simple stockpiling and recovery of test information. Easy to understand menu driven framework for choosing test parameters and playing out the test. In fabricated Calibration office. Selectable in various dialects – English, Spanish, French, German, Italian. Selectable Drying profile – Fast, Ramp, and Step and conveys Statistical Data. The moisture assessment will extract the exact working condition of the desiccant paper used in the silicone bags. It can help the manufacturer to make required changes in the production process. 


To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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