Easiest and The Most Economical Method to Test Bursting Strength of Corrugated Boxes

Easiest and The Most Economical Method to Test Bursting Strength of Corrugated Boxes

 If you are a convertor of paper into corrugated boxes and are always struggling with quality control issues and really don’t know how to measure bursting strength in the most economical manner, then this article is for you.

Calculating Bursting Strength is always a challenge, whenever we sell or buy corrugated boxes the most important parameter which really upsets the buyer, or the seller is that the bursting strength is low or incorrect. To overcome this issue one of the best solutions is to buy a bursting strength tester.

Some of the key features to look out for when you are buying an economical bursting strength tester is:

1.    Buy ONLY from a manufacturer and NOT a trader, as he will never be able to support you with the spares and service.

2.    Buy an analogue machine to start with, though Digital Bursting Strength Tester is more accurate, but as a startup the analogue model is fits the bill.

3.    Ask for spare rubber diaphragms, while placing the order, as they would be needed at short notice and the supplier may charge you for it later at a higher cost.

4.    Do check if adequate fluid used in the Bursting Strength Tester is adequate or not, else buy spare bottle.

5.    Test your samples on the instrument if you are not sure about the rating of the machine or the strength of your sample. Go and visit the manufacturer as you will not be buying these instruments every other day, seeing is believing.

6.    Check out the warranty provided, and the service set up of the manufacturer.

If you wish to understand the finer aspects of bursting strength testing then visit the below Video, where our Quality Coach has explained in details the same.


To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com.


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