How to Test the Quality of Paper Bags?

How to Test the Quality of Paper Bags

Since a few years, there is strong opposition for usage of plastic bags and plastic packings. Due to its slow biodegradation process, plastic poses a serious threat to the environment. Packaging industry understood the crunch of the situation and rolled our paper bags and paper packings as an alternate. But, users take some good time to accept it as an alternate of plastic bags. In fact, woven bags were also launched, but they were mere adding cost to the customer’s pocket. So, after a long struggle, paper bags finally made their place in the market.

To meet the customer’s expectation and to be fit to use in the application, paper bags undergo stringent test procedures. Available in different sizes and quality, paper bags are suitable for carrying all dry items, ranging from clothes, grocery, portable consumer electronics and what not. But the quality of the paper bag is determined first before selecting it for the application. Some of the tests, that need to be performed to assess the quality of paper bag

  • Bursting strength test
  • Peel strength test
  • Cobb sizing test
  • Tearing strength test

Paper bag is made by simply folding the paper and bonding it with the adhesives. So, a peel strength tester is used to analyse the force required to fail the adhesion. With this test, you can estimate the weight that a bag can bear without losing out at the adhesion point.

How much weight a bag can bear without getting damaged is assessed by bursting strength tester. Usually, when heavy items like veggies and groceries are stuffed inside the bag, it tends to tear. To avoid this situation, bursting strength is calculated and weight carrying capacities are decided.  

Paper has the property of absorbing water. After removing the excess water, how much water it retains is calculated by Cobb sizing tester. In this test, the test sample is placed on the fixture having a steel cavity over it. This steel cavity is filled with water. After some time, the sample is taken and excess water is taken using a heavy stainless steel cylindrical roller. The difference in weight before and after the test is Cobb value of the paper.

 A paper which is already torn has some resistance to get torn further. Tearing strength tester calculates that resistance. And this is very important. Say, you’ve gone to buy some fruits and your packet is already damaged, it should not tear further if handled properly. This is the property of high-quality paper bag. Sometimes bursting strength tester replaces tearing strength tester.

If you are looking for Bursting Strength Tester price then you can consult with us. We are considered to be the leading Bursting Strength Tester manufacturers that will provide you with high quality testing instruments to ensure zero rejections rates from your customers. To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at

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