Polarized Light - Polishing The Quality Of Preforms

Polariscope - Presto India Img

PET & Preform Industries manufacture the PET containers that are mostly used in the packaging industries. Preforms are efficient and used especially in pharmaceutical industries, food and beverage industries to pack medicines, syrups, chemical, drugs, food items and beverages. But at the time of production, Preforms have some minor defects occur during various production processes. The reason of defects in Preform could be inappropriate dimensions and weight or due to the different quality of resins that are used for manufacturing.

Good Quality of Preforms Assures Best Packaging

Various defects in Preforms are responsible for affecting the quality, for example:

  • Default in the standardized dimensions
  • Damage in the rings such as moisture rings, shape,
  • Incorrect geometrical dimensions
  • Percentage of material used to manufacture the preform
  • Micro-hole in the injection points,
  • Quality of the seal
  • Long injection points
  • Existence of small particles in the preforms
  • Bubbles
  • Chromatic vibrations
  • Strains in the preforms and many more.

Polariscope – the High-Quality Testing Equipment

The testing instruments, Sri Lanka passed all the quality checks. The defects in the preforms can be located by inspecting the quality of the Preforms in Polarized light, which produces different light patterns and birefringence patterns to detect flaws in preforms clearly and appropriately. Using the best testing Instrument “Polariscope”, the defects and strains in the patterns of Preforms can be identified.

Presto Stantest manufactures high quality of Polariscope to determine the defects and maintain the quality of the Preforms. Using this testing strategy, high quality of PET bottles and products are produced. The highly reliable and precise test results are possible with the laboratory testing equipment.

To know more information about its features, price, and technical specifications, give us a call/WhatsApp at +91 9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com.

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