Role of Edge Crush Value in Determining the Strength of Packaging Containers

Role of Edge Crush

The strength of the corrugated sheets and boxes is a major aspect of the quality of the packaging’s that are used in the industries. The manufacturers need the best strength of the packaging materials that could provide the best level of the safety of the products. The corrugated boxes and sheets are the most commonly used materials for making shipping containers that are used in the industries for the purpose of packaging of products. Now the strength of these boxes is one of the most important factors that must be addressed to ensure the best quality of the product. The edge crush tester helps the users in the determination of the edge crush value of materials with great accuracy.

One of the best methods to determine the strength of a corrugated box is to determine the edge crush value of the given sample. The edge crush value of a sample is given by the amount of force that is required to crush the sample when the application of the force is edgewise. The edge crush value helps the manufacturers in the easy determination of the strength of the corrugated sheet that will be used in the manufacturing of the shipping containers. The edge crush value depends on many different factors such as the bursting strength of the materials, the quality of the paper that is used as a liner and the flute size of the corrugated sheet.

The edge crush value is also a great indicator of the box compression value of the container that has been manufactured using the corrugated sheet. The edge crush value of a test specimen can easily be determined with the help of Edge crush tester.

The edge crush tester is the most efficient and advanced testing instrument offered by Presto that is capable of determining the edge crush value of a variety of materials that are used in the packaging industries.

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