Conduct precise scuff resistance test with Presto scuff tester

Conduct precise scuff resistance test with Presto scuff tester
  • Gaurav Malhotra

Scuff resistance is one of the essential properties of the material that will help the manufacturers of paper & packaging in testing the scuff resistance of the material that will help to ensure that the materials will easily withstand handling and transportation without losing the durability and aesthetic appeal. Thus, with the Presto scuff resistance tester, manufacturers will easily test the scuff resistance of materials and ensure that quality products will be delivered to the customers.

This ASTM scuff resistance tester has been designed with high-quality features that make it easy for manufacturers to conduct scuff resistance tests on the materials. This testing instrument has come up with a pre-settable counter of up to 9999 counts that makes it easy for manufacturers to conduct quality tests on the materials.
In this blog, we will discuss brief information about the Presto scuff resistance tester and how this quality testing equipment makes it easy for the manufacturers to conduct scuff resistance tests. 

What is the importance of performing a scuff resistance test?

The importance of performing a scuff resistance test cannot be overstated in the field of product development and quality control. Scuff resistance refers to the ability of a material or surface to withstand abrasion, friction, or rubbing without showing any visible signs of damage.
It is a vital characteristic that directly impacts the durability, longevity and overall aesthetic appeal of various products in the packaging industry. This testing instrument has been designed as per industrial standards that include ASTM F2497-05, BS 3110:1959.
By subjecting these materials to rigorous scuff resistance testing procedures using specialized lab testing equipment, manufacturers can accurately assess their performance under real-life conditions and make informed decisions regarding material selection and formulation.
You can easily evaluate scuff resistance in paper & packaging materials with the help of this quality testing equipment.
Now, let us discuss brief information about the Presto scuff resistance tester.

All about Presto scuff resistance tester

We all know that a scuffed label can make your look unprofessional and may even affect the quality of your product. Thus, it is important for the paper & packaging manufacturers to conduct scuff resistance tests on the materials and ensure that accurate quality materials will be delivered to the customers.
This quality testing equipment has been designed with high-quality features that make it easy for manufacturers to conduct quality tests on the materials. By using this high-quality testing equipment in the paper & packaging industry, manufacturers can easily conduct scuff resistance tests on the materials.
This user-friendly lab testing equipment comes with electronic controls and ergonomically designed features to make it easy for the user for conducting scuff tests on the materials.
Below we have listed the features & technical specifications of this quality testing equipment.

Features of Presto scuff resistance tester

  • HMI-based Touchscreen Model
  • Motorised Weight arrangement on the plunger for noise-free working
  • Highly accurate test results under uniform load and specified diameter
  • Uniform load by weights on test sample for evenness in testing
  • Provision of a Set number of counts through HMI
  • Firm hold of test specimen by circular clips/clamps
  • Motorised Geared system for scuff movement
  • Pre-settable counter upto 9999 counts inbuilt in HMI
  • Incorporated with a blower to remove unnecessary particulates during testing
  • Highly accurate and precise results under uniform load and rubbing clamp movement
  • Pass/Fail Criteria can be programmed
  • Program Profile for selecting test parameters and performing the test
  • Easy Data Management. Users can create product identification, user name, set count, set weight etc.
  • Blower with set counts and Auto/Manual operation
  • USB option available for storing test data
  • Data output in data record format.
  • History Data involves User name, date, time, counts etc.
  • Accurate rpm of rotating discs using an induction motor-driven system
  • User-friendly electronic controls and ergonomically designed feature 

Technical specifications of Presto scuff resistance tester

  • Test Weight: 2 psi
  • Display: HMI (Touchscreen) TFT LCD 65536 Colors 480 x 272 pixels Size: 4.3 Inch
  • Counter:  4-digit (Inbuilt in HMI)
  • Max. range of counter: 9999
  • Least Count of counter: 1
  • Blower: High-speed blower rpm 2500 -2900
  • Rotational Speed: 60rpm ±1 rpm
With these high-end features & technical specifications, manufacturers can easily conduct quality tests on the materials and ensure that accurate products will be delivered to the customers.

Make your labels scuff-proof with Presto scuff resistance tester

When products are transported from one place to another place, they are printed with some details or labelled with stickers. The labels have information about the product like product name, quantity, date of manufacturing and expiry, composition and much more.
Due to rubbing against surfaces at the time of transport, the label may get cleared losing all the information about the parcel.
Presto scuff tester for printed materials will easily test the scuff resistance of materials and check the quality of samples when two printed surfaces are rubbed against each other.
You can easily analyze the life of printed materials with the help of this quality testing equipment. If you want a free sample testing session for the use of this quality testing equipment, then give us a call at  +91 9210903903 or email us at Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding all your needs and queries.

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