TP310 is a prominent color measurement instruments used in many mainstream industries which have been designed and manufactured by competent engineers and scientists of Testronix. The instrument has many advantages of other international standard color measurement instruments.
The Presto Color Matching Cabinet Spectrum Asia II is one of the widely used lab testing instrument in the industries and laboratories where it is important to maintain the color consistency of the products. This color matching machine will provide accurate assessment of colors under standardized environment for evaluation and visual assessment of colors.
Magnamike, manufactured by Olympus, is a premium-quality device renowned for its excellence in conducting wall thickness gauge testing. Offering a non-destructive testing method, this instrument is ideal for measuring the wall thickness of PET bottles. Presto Stantest serves as an authorized dealer for this device.
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Vibration simulation is an efficient and cost-effective way of determining damage caused by the repetitive movement in the vehicles. In just a few hours we can pinpoint potential damage areas in your package or product caused by vibration.
Our Vibration Table is customizable. You can get a Digital, Computerised, or touchscreen Vibration table according to your sample testing needs! Be it swivel, synchronous, or asynchronous, test your sample to its fullest to ensure durability, long life, and zero rejections.
Hot Air Oven is a unique test cabinet designed to detect the change in the physical characteristics of the material and to ascertain the actual working life of testing device at elevated temperature. Works on Forced air circulation, thermal convection principle, suitable for Tests like heat deformation, compression set, heat resistance required in rubber and plastic industries.
Polymer products usually damage when exposed to various environmental conditions which are formed from the atmosphere. This directly affects the actual life of the product. Hence, it is necessary to test the quality of the polymers to calculate...
Presto offers different types of environmental testing instruments to create actual weather conditions of various kinds. One of the best environmental test equipment introduced by Presto is Xenon 866. The test equipment helps to examine the weather resistance...
Bursting Strength Tester Genie Smart 3.0 is a reliable index of measurement of strength and performance of materials like paper, paper boards, corrugated boards and boxes, solid fiber boards, filter cloth, industrial fabric, leather and Rexene.
The Drop Tester (As per IS:7028 Pt IV) is a useful equipment for ascertaining the transport worthiness of corrugated & solid fiber boxes and shipping containers. It has provision with angular drop arrangement to help accurately ascertain the transport worthiness of the package from all angles.
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Presto provides the Polariscope, an exceptionally effective strain viewer designed to assist manufacturers in testing the quality and transparency of their products, thereby ensuring the highest standards of quality assurance for customers. The Polariscope operates on the principle that variations in refractive index indicate differing strain distributions, resulting in reduced material transparency.
Registered Design Patent No. 252609
Presto's Glass & Plastic Polariscope - Strain Viewer is the best and highly effective testing device which is used to measure the residual stresses and strains that are introduced during the manufacturing process of the products that severely affects the strength of the product.
Elevated temperatures can have a significant impact on the physical properties of many materials. Either it can deteriorate the quality of the product or will lead to product damage. This can have a major impact on the performance of products and structures made from these materials. Thus, it is important for product manufacturers to test the physical properties of the materials at elevated temperatures so as to determine their quality.